Category: Kim Possible

Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD pg2

Hey look!

I did a page two! And yes, before you ask, that is Ron. He wanted to be all big time with Drakken, and it didn’t end well for him.

Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD, Page 2

Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD, Page 2

Kim Possible: Agent of Shield page

I was goofing off and decided to do a page for my Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD idea just to see if I could actually put something on a page instead of letting it fester in my head. Lo and behold? Something did indeed come out. I even have plans for a followup page already, and maybe a third. Not sure yet. At any rate, click on the piece below to see a bigger view and let me know what you think. WordPress users, Twitter logins, Facebook authentication, even guest commenting… it’s all allowed. So shout something out and let me know what you think.

Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD

Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD

Without You

Without You

Without You

     Rather than mince around the subject, I’ll just come out and admit that the scarred/damaged woman is a large part of me. So, rather inevitably, it tends to pop up as one of the recurring themes in my personal work.

     Before I came up with the Hermione-centric Harry Potter-based stuff I’ve been working on lately, I had an idea for a Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD story. Using events from around Civil War and Brian K. Vaughan’s most excellent comic Runaways, I was going to pull Kim into the Marvel Universe proper.

     The other night, I was listening my Emo Playlist in iTunes and I got inspired to draw this. I’m hoping to revisit this idea at some point in the future and move it forward, perhaps after I get Love in Wartime rolling.

     Oh, and I know that technically the patch on her shoulder is the movie/Earth-1610 SHIELD logo despite my intention to put her into the mainstream Marvel universe. I just like it better than the old-school, Earth-616 eagle logo.